Sunday, July 23, 2006

Episode 1: Pirate Keira is Smarter Than Me

In the first episode of the "Smarter Than Me"-cast, we introduce Joamna and talk about gayness, being fake sisters, geeky stuff, Pirate Keira and finding naked celebrities in your bed.

Listen, enjoy, and please comment!

Disclaimer: We only podcast while drunk, hence the ramblings. Because of this, epo had to edit this podcast a lot, if you feel like you have the right (or really really want) to hear the uncencored version of this podcast, feel free to try to bribe us :P

Joamna's disclaimer: I apparently can't say "ew", it sounds like "you", but I don't intend to say that epo is Marina, I really don't...

Right click to download: Pirate Keira is Smarter Than Me

/ epo and Joamna

PS: Here's the photo we talk about:


Anonymous said...

"Why's the rum always gone?" - Jack Sparrow

Okiwa... i love the talking Pirate Keira and many more hot girls from shows and movies that we geeks love to watch! lol. i love you guys for this.

How to explain the blowjob thing... hmmmm... Ok... I guess it's kinda a peer pressure thing. Or a sense that it's the norm to do that sort of thing. But it's definitely something that elmo would not want to do ever again... yuck! I have given in in the past because I thought that was what was expected of me. And I guess that's stupid in so many ways but it's the only way I can explain it... mhm. So there you go. I have to say though that I have learned from the experience... lol. Do you wanna know what I learned? Don't go down on a guy... LMAO!

I guess some girls like it... and they have to be super disgusting really because no self respecting girly hetero female should like the sort of things you find down there... *pukes*

So there you have it... elmo has spoken... now I shouldn't have even offered an explanation! lol.

Can we go back to the hot chicks now? I think I need to watch another episode of The L Word so I can get back to that idea of Shane/Carmen/elmo... hee hee *dreams*

You guys have seen Domino right? cos it's sooo cool and Keira is sooo hot! mhm.

Alright... cold shower for elmo please...


Anonymous said...

Oh... I forgot to say that I love you guys and this podcast idea rocks! There should be a BBPodcast in the future...


Anonymous said...

Arrgh! "..and a bottle of rum" *sings*

Yay, an elmo explanation!

Mm, I pretty much agree with what you said there, about it being expected, which is stupid 'cause.. yuck! Eh, lets just not do that, oki? Heh.

And yea we can totally go back to the hot chicks now, much much better, ahh. And no, I haven't seen Domino, gah, I'm such a bad Keira lover, but in my defence I didn't like her before so..

Thanks for commenting elmo! Hihi, we love you too.. and who needs a cold shower when you can start thinking about the next podcast? Mhm..


Mikey said...

OMFG I'm so glad you too have come to your senses! (Especially elmo, since I think your step was bigger.) I agree that it just doesn't seem right&fun/something a self respecting female should like, lol. (And I don't even want to imagine what you find down there *shudders*.)
Although, I think one of the reasons neither of you found it fun, is that neither of you are as straight as you thought you were :P

Anyways, thanks for the comments elmo, you know we both love you, and omg how awesome would it be if you and that crazy girl of yours could guest star our show once? For the love of Skype, mmhm :)

And I haven't seen Domino yet, nope. Always wanted to though, have to. I think me and Joamna will have one (or many) drnken Keira movie nights in the not at all distant future.

huuugs :P

xxx epo